The German Insitute of Hearing Aids (DHI) was founded in 1998 and directed by Mr. Reimer Rohweder. At that time, the type testing in the area of hearing aids and hearing assistive devices was handed over to the DHI by the German Federal Physical-Technical Institute (PTB) in Braunschweig. Under the direction of Mr. Rohweder, the institute evolved to a renown test house, not only for the German market but also internationally.
In 2014, Dr. Hendrik Husstedt joined the DHI and took over the post of the managing director of the DHI from Mr. Rohweder. He extended the scope, and automated and digitalized the testing activities at the DHI. For product group 13 "hearing assistive devices" it is now possible to file statutory health insurance applications autmatically and digitally. In addition, the research activities of the DHI were largely extended, leading for example to the application of novel test procedures facilitating the verification of hearing aid features.